一个英国人 怎样看浙江
“要了解中国经济社会的发展,浙江是一个极佳的窗口。”经过一年多调研和写作,大卫·弗格森(David W. Ferguson)在他的新书中这样写道。
“Zhejiang offers an excellent window into China’s economic and social development,” David W. Ferguson wrote in his new book.
Born in the UK, Ferguson is a writer and editor with Foreign Languages Press and a recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award. Having lived in China for 19 years, Ferguson has carefully observed and developed an in-depth understanding of the country. In 2023, he visited a broad range of locations in Zhejiang, to look for the secrets of development of this pioneer province in China. His new book, China’s Development in the New Era – the Zhejiang Experience, was published recently.
1月15日,浙江省国际传播中心(ZICC)与外文出版社联合推出系列报道《解码中国 大卫看“浙”里》,邀请大卫·弗格森为我们讲述他眼里的中国发展故事。敬请关注。
Starting Jan 15, Zhejiang International Communication Center, in collaboration with Foreign Languages Press, is to launch a new program, Decode China: David Ferguson’s Storytelling, inviting Ferguson to share his ideas about China’s development. Stay tuned.

顾问:胡开敏 许荣
Consultants: Hu Kaimin, Xu Rong
Chief producer: Zhang Liang
Producer: Jiang Yun
策划:颜一颀 肖艳艳
Planners: Yan Yiqi, Xiao Yanyan
编辑:蔡莉莉 李洋 祝晓涵 杨方璇
Editors: Cai Li li, Li Yang, Zhu Xiaohan, Yang Fangxuan
Chief designer: Zhao Yaxin
联合出品:浙江省国际传播中心(ZICC) 外文出版社
A co-production by Zhejiang International Communication Center and Foreign Languages Press